While some dairy products have seen dramatic gains in purchases due to COVID-19 and other products such as yogurt have seen consumers curtail buying, butter has been somewhere in the middle
When fun shenanigans, team camaraderie, and years of dedicated work come together, it has the ability to cement lifelong friendships and a lifestyle you can’t ignore
I first attended the North East Production Medicine Symposium in 1993. Cow comfort was a major topic presented by the late Bill Bickert and a host of colleagues
The COVID-19 pandemic put quite a strain on labor across the country as employees contracted the disease or were forced to quarantine due to exposure to the virus.
National Mastitis Council’s Laboratory Handbook on Bovine Mastitis is now available in Spanish. A 150-page book for laboratory diagnosticians, veterinarians, educators, students, researchers
Milk: What can lactation teach us about diet and healthpresented by: Bruce German from the University of California-Davis German is a professor and the director of the Foods for Healt
While the dairy industry and many agriculture commodities have seen better prices in the last few weeks, market fluctuations and pessimism still prevail in the countryside
For those processors and cooperatives requiring milk dumping due to canceled dairy product sales, land application is likely the only or best option for removal of excess milk
Wages are up. That’s been a common refrain over the last several years. Anecdotal evidence is all around us, and the data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and USDA allows us to see the magnitude...
“We brought a bill that addresses every single issue that we need to solve,” stated Mike McCloskey, Labor Issues for Dairy chairman for the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF)
Lameness can be a fairly ambiguous term on dairy farms, but we know that it is consistently one of the most prevalent interferences with healthy dairy production
A partnership that was born out of necessity over 35 years ago has fostered a unique opportunity for college students and companies to connect during one of the dairy industry’s busiest weeks of...
I have worked in agriculture for over 30 years. At the age of 15, I worked loading produce during the harvest season at the Pompano farmers market in South Florida
During a crazy, busy fair week, it’s hard to keep track of all your show supplies. We put colorful zip ties on our show halters and leads so we know which ones belong to us. Christine Broehl